white analog electronic device

Flyback Timer

For Professional Use

1-Click to
Reset & Start

A versatile timer app designed for professionals such as doctors, therapists, teachers, trainers, and more. With its one-click reset and start function, you can easily set the timer to zero and begin a new measurement. It features a detailed record screen perfect for administering tests and assessments such as Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration (EASI) and Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT).

silver bell alarm clock


1 / One-click reset and start timer

2/ Millisecond precision to improve timing accuracy

3/ Long record form for recording up to 24 items

4/ Time-clock display for visual feedback

5/ Numbered record list for easy match of test items

6/ Delete one record at a time

7/ Option to "star" records for separating test items or creating reminders

8/ Vibration function for setting the timer with your eyes off the screen

9/ Background colour selection for a personalised touch